Thank you for registering!
Conference app
All conference materials will be published in our mobile app.
- From your mobile device, go to your app store (iOS or Android) and search for “Examined Life Conference” (Installing on an iPad? Set your app store search criteria for iPhone instead of iPad).
- Install the app.
- Make a profile; this is how you’ll share contact info with other attendees, network, and receive critical updates during the conference.
But wait, there’s more!
Are you a presenter or co-presenter? If you haven’t already, please fill out this form here. (required of all presenters by Federal law)
Interested in displaying a poster or participating in the book and information fair? Free sign-up is here.
We’ve got some interesting pre-conference workshops to help build your writing skills. Check them out here.
Don’t forget to book your hotel. Visit our travel page now.