Become an Examined Life Sponsor

Sponsor the Conference

Our sponsors help keep the conversation going, and can reach our guest list of our 200 attendees and thousands of website visitors. You can help by sponsoring at one of these levels:

  • Your logo on our conference bags: $125*
  • Your item inserted into our conference bags: $100
  • Your logo and a link to your website on our site, plus listing in our mobile app: $50**

To find out more, contact David Etler at 319.335.8058. Or visit to select your sponsorship level and we will contact you to begin your sponsorship.

*This option must be arranged prior to one month before the conference.
**Included with all other options. Link and logo will remain on the site from the date your sponsorship begins until the August or September after the current conference date–up to a year!

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